Fotodokumentation: Benjamin Maltry
"Ruhe~Störung 2"
"Disturbing Silence 2"
FerienTanzWoche N° 18
Tanztheater Workshop
für Kinder und Jugendliche von 9 – 14 Jahren
On the idea of quiet and disturbance, 16 children and young people explored the entire Treffpunkt Freizeit with its corridors, staircases, lifts, public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor spaces and an infinite number of in-between spaces. They „disturbed“ and studied the people who were there. Some hurried through the corridors others strolled from one place to another. Some were busy and others lingered patiently. Some were noisy and bustling and others were silently concentrating on their work. Each room has its own regularity, a special atmosphere and its own sound. The different ways of being, behavioural patterns and soundscapes that the children and young people observed there were the main sources of inspiration for the development of the pieces during the project week.
In TANZLABOR, these observations were translated and transformed into body language and applied to the stage space. The auditorium, the gap between the stage and the tribune and the stage itself became the playing field for the performance.
dance theater work shop
for children and teens aged 9 – 14
On the idea of quiet and disturbance, 16 children and young people explored the entire Treffpunkt Freizeit with its corridors, staircases, lifts, public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor spaces and an infinite number of in-between spaces. They „disturbed“ and studied the people who were there. Some hurried through the corridors others strolled from one place to another. Some were busy and others lingered patiently. Some were noisy and bustling and others were silently concentrating on their work. Each room has its own regularity, a special atmosphere and its own sound. The different ways of being, behavioural patterns and soundscapes that the children and young people observed there were the main sources of inspiration for the development of the pieces during the project week.
In TANZLABOR, these observations were translated and transformed into body language and applied to the stage space. The auditorium, the gap between the stage and the tribune and the stage itself became the playing field for the performance.
24. – 28.10.2022 / Treffpunkt Freizeit
28.10.2022 Bühne: Großer Saal im Treffpunkt Freizeit
Beteiligte Kinder
Alva, Anika, Elisa, Ella, Elsa, Emma, Eva, Jolanka, Ksenia, Lena, Maksym, Mara, Mia S., Mia T., Tara, Thea
Paula E. Paul und Robert Segner : Konzept
Paula E. Paul : künstlerische Leitung
Jördis Wölk : künstlerische Leitung
Michael Zillmann : Bühne und Licht
Robert Segner : Musik-Zuspiel
Edwin Podubin : Betreuung
Ella Krause : Betreuung
Jula Hartmann : Praktikum
Uwe Rühling : Organisation
Benjamin Maltry : Foto-Dokumentation
Erik Braun : Videokamera und Schnittassistenz
Sirko Knüpfer : Video-Dokumentation
Le Midi-Café im Treffpunkt Freizeit : Catering
Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert von ChanceTanz, einem Projekt von „Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e. V.“ im Rahmen des Programms „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ des BMBF. In Kooperation mit den Projektpartnern Kubus gGmbH – Treffpunkt Freizeit, Kulturt Euch e.V., Jugendmigrationsdienst im Quartier und KOMBINAT kombiniert Tanz und Film gUG